Saturday 26 November 2011

Project Idea Change

After much discussion with tutors I have decided it would be best to change my project idea, as my previous idea was taking far to long and not really going anywhere! I am going to take two models I have found online that I have permission to use and create an idea that allows me to just focus simply on my animation skills.
I will post as and when the new idea comes to me.

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Baby Dragon Modelling Sheet

This is my baby dragon modelling sheet. I have now fully finished designing my baby dragons and they are ready to be modelled.

Baby Dragon Design with Colour

I have now added colour to my baby dragon. I have used the same colours i used on the adult dragon.

Monday 21 November 2011

Baby Dragon Design

I have designed how the baby dragons will look. I have just took the original adult dragon design and simply made it smaller and rounder. This is how I want my baby dragons to look.

Cave Formation Diagram

This is my Cave Formation Diagram. My cave is now fully designed and ready to be modelled. I may have to come back at a later date though to maybe add colour to my drawings.