Saturday 19 November 2011

Cave Inside Design - Lake of Fire Entrance View 2

I have now finished the design of the cave. I still need to figure out where I want the hole for the moonlight but I will do that at a later date. I now just need to create a Architectural view of the cave then it will be ready to be modelled.

Cave Inside Design - Lake of Fire Entrance

This is the entrance to the Lake of Fire. I want moonlight to enter the cave somehow so I need to design a hole in the top of the cave for this.

Cave Inside Design 3

This is the 3rd section of my cave that will lead to the Lake of Fire where the dragon lies.

Cave Inside Design 2

The 2nd part of my cave. This is where Galen will find the princess and the baby dragons.

Cave Inside Design 1

I have re-drawn the previous image only using a thick line to pick out the edges of the rock and a thin faint line to pick the detail. I really like how this looks and it gives a good understanding of how the cave will layout.

Friday 18 November 2011

Cave Inside Colour 1

This is the inside of the cave design. I’m not happy with how this looks, the colour work isn’t as good as the previous picture and it just doesn’t look right! I have found a drawing of a cave that I really like that only shows the outlines and light detail of the walls. I am going to base my designs on that as I’m not comfortable enough to carry on using colour.

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Cave Entrance Design

This is my design for the cave entrance. I’m very happy with how this looks and will use this in my animation. I now just need to start to design the interior of the cave.