Saturday 5 November 2011

Final Dragon Design

This is my final dragon design. I have taken my favourite body design and added the head to it, I then just created the detail on the body in relation to what features the dragons head has. I now just need to decide on what colour to make it.

Dragon Head Design

These are some head designs. I have based them heavily on the amazing artist Kerembeyit ( ). I am going to use the head in the top left corner as I think it will suit the dragon body design I chose the best.

Dragon Body Design

These are the body shaped designs for my dragon. I am going to use the shape in the top left corner. It is my favourite as its a simple traditionally shaped dragon and I think it will fit the rest of the theme well.

Thursday 3 November 2011

Galen Shield Design with Colour

I know I said I preferred the shape of the 2nd shield design but I had another look at it and decided I preferred the 1st shape better. I have done some colour schemes for it. I’ve not done as good as the other designs on these shields but I am happy with one of the designs and that is the design I will use in my project.

Galen Shield Design 2

These are my 2nd shield designs. I prefer the shape of this shield as I feel it suits the theme of the project a bit more. I also have a favourite from these that I may take further.

Galen Shield Design

These are the fist of my shield designs. At first I thought I liked the shape of the shield but I created a mock shield in 3D so I could do the test animations and I feel the shape of that shield is much stronger. I am currently creating the new shape designs for the shield.

Wednesday 2 November 2011

Galen Test Walk Cycle - Walk

This is a test render of how Galen might walk. I need to edit out some of the raggedy bits but apart from that I feel it looks quite good.

Galen Test Walk Cycle - Sneaking

This is a test render for how Galen might walk through the cave as it’ll be dark and he’ll be very wary of what might be happening.

Sunday 30 October 2011

Princess Elspeth - Character Modelling Sheet

I have now done Princess Elspeth’s modelling sheet. Elspeth is now fully designed. All I need to do now is create a character bio for her and maybe design a corpse. I just need to add flesh wounds and make half of look like its been eaten.

Princess Elspeth - Face Design

As Princess Elspeth is just a corpse in my animation you wont see her face so instead of spending ages designing one I just based it on Vanessa’s face to save time.

Princess Elspeth - Clothing Design Favourite with Colour

These are my favourite clothing designs with different colour schemes. I think my favourite colour scheme and the design I’m going to use for Princess Elspeth is the purple design in the middle.